Budget Planner Calculator
Frequency Amount
Annual Amount
- Net salary and bonuses
- $0
- Investment income (interest, dividends, rent)
- $0
- Allowances
- $0
- Other income
- $0
Frequency Amount
Annual Amount
- Registration / maintenance / repairs
- $0
- Petrol
- $0
- Public transport / taxis
- $0
- Parking
- $0
- Other
- $0
Frequency Amount
Annual Amount
- Rates (council, water)
- $0
- Utilities (electricity, gas etc)
- $0
- Telephone / internet (rental, service, calls etc)
- $0
- Mobile phone
- $0
- Home maintenance
- $0
- Food / groceries / household
- $0
- Medical and pharmaceutical
- $0
- Clothes / shoes
- $0
- Education
- $0
- Household purchases (furniture etc)
- $0
- Pet food / maintenance
- $0
- Child care / school fees
- $0
- Other expenses
- $0
Frequency Amount
Annual Amount
- Life / income continuance
- $0
- Health
- $0
- Superannuation
- $0
- Home and contents
- $0
- Car
- $0
- Business
- $0
- Other (boat / caravan / trailer)
- $0
Frequency Amount
Annual Amount
- Rent / mortgage
- $0
- Personal loan repayments
- $0
- Credit card #1 repayments
- $0
- Credit card #2 repayments
- $0
- Store card #1 repayments
- $0
- Store card #2 repayments
- $0
- Other loan repayments
- $0
Frequency Amount
Annual Amount
- Fees and duties
- $0
- Tax on investments
- $0
- Other
- $0
Frequency Amount
Annual Amount
- Holidays
- $0
- Restaurants, outings, takeaway
- $0
- Sports / hobbies / memberships
- $0
- Newspapers / magazines / books / CDs
- $0
- Gifts (xmas, birthdays)
- $0
Weekly Fortnightly
Monthly Annual
- Income Details
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0
- Motor Vehicle / Transport
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0
- Living Expenses
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0
- Insurance / Superannuation
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0
- Loans, Credit Card and Store Accounts
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0
- Taxes, Fees and Charges
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0
- Leisure / Entertainment
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0
- Total Income$
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0
- Total Expenses$
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0
- Surplus$
- $0
- $0
- $0
- $0